I was going through a sudden divorce and my mother’s passing in March. The grief and loss was excruciating. Then an acquaintance recommended
The Breakthrough Experience by Dr. John Demartini as something that would help me make sense of it all. I bought it, on his recommendation and it changed my life forever.
The Breakthrough Experienced helped me finally understand the concept of the Law of Polarity, aka Divine Compensation. I began to look for everything I’d “lost” in the world all around me and realized nothing is ever lost. It’s all there in different forms and coming from different places.
After reading this book, I switched to “observer mode” and started finally seeing all the compensating blessings. Within a few short months, my life completely turned around and all my big dreams started falling into place. What’s more, I’m able to proceed through life seeing both the challenge and support in every situation. This realistic view of life has helped me avoid putting anyone or anything in a pit or on a pedestal. It’s helped me see the amazing blessings laced within any challenge.
Outside of scripture, I can honestly say this book is the most transformational book I’ve ever read. I love it and have recommended it to so many people.
If you get it, be sure to do the “Breakthrough Experience” exercise. It took me about 3 hours to do it, but it was well worth the time investment. I was able to completely release any ill-will toward my ex in record time. I was able to see that he was a gift in my life when he was there and that he gave me the most wonderful, incredible gift in letting me go. Had he not, I would not be living my dream today.