Personality Types: Gain Confidence By Understanding Yourself

One of the best ways to gain confidence is to get to know yourself and how you are wired. Each of us is different, of course, but there are certain things we have in common with some people. For example, Meyers-Briggs Personality typing has 16 main personality types.

Even if you take the Meyers-Briggs Personality Assessment and discover you are an ENFP, that doesn’t mean you will be identical to your neighbor who is also an ENFP. Yet, there will be some things you have in common – specifically the order in which you process the world. Understanding your personality type can help you accept yourself for who you are, identify your strengths and bring your unique talents and strengths into the world.

Over the years, I’ve used different tools and read various books on personality typing. Here are a few of my favorites:

16 Personalities

a FREE Meyers-Briggs Personality Assessment. This is a fairly-accurate assessment. If you are one of those people who can take this test on different days and get a different typing, you may want to explore further using a more thorough assessment tool like the one found at by Gallup.


If you really want to dive into understanding personality types, this is your book. Over the course of 30 years, Gallup conducted millions of psychological interviews and identified 34 themes of talent that are indicative of success. In the StrengthsQuest program, Gallup offers you the opportunity to discover talents from your top five themes and build on them to achieve academic, career and personal excellence.

aura personalitiesAura Personalities

by Staci Sadler

Aura Personalities brings attention to our weaknesses and strengths in the context of the light we emanate. It provides a glimpse into what is possible for all of us if we are willing to see our own light and emanate it with conscious integrity. This Revised & Updated Edition includes an extensive Self-Assessment Tool to help you ascertain your Aura Family, and an additional 114 pages (the book now has a total of 336 pages) with four new chapters on auras that have never been written about before, including the New Crystals.